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Baked Potatoes

Baked Potatoes




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Marmaris takeaway’s online food ordering website welcomes you to the best Pizza and Kebab House in Fraserburgh. Its amazing offerings and impeccable customer service will amaze you at first glance. Order food online at the touch of a button and get it delivered in a few minutes. The collection is also available.
Everyone loves our pizzas! Why? Because there's one for every taste. We’ve got nothing but mad love for pizza and the classic toppings. A quick search for 'The best pizza places near me in Fraserburgh' will definitely show our website at the top of the Google search results. Come on! A true Italian pizza is just a tap away.
We only use the finest local ingredients to prepare mouthwatering dishes on a daily basis and you can enjoy the fresh taste every time you return.
Meat lovers will love our authentic Turkish Kebabs. Whatever your preference is, we've got an amazing range to choose from. Our succulent Doner kebab is a great takeaway option; it’s delicious, flavourful and completely customisable. If you ask locals in Fraserburgh ‘Where is the top halal kebab shop nearby?’, they will definitely say head down to ‘Marmaris’.
A selection of homemade burgers, tasty wraps, sides and more are also available to be enjoyed on the seaside.
Feel free to contact us at 01346516222 and order over the phone.
Keep up with us on social media.
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